Friday, February 25, 2011


It's about 3 a.m and I'm on my graveyard shift with Monkey and trying to just stay awake as long as possible since I know that as soon as I fall asleep I will have to wake up and sometimes even if I do get an hour of sleep when I awake it feels like I just closed my eyes and then the feeding, burping, changing ritual seems more painful. Layne is doing great and is 1 MONTH today. I am a little concerned that our next visit to the pediatrician will yield a warning in to the signs of early childhood obesity concerns as Layne is gaining weight rapidly but i think he's perfect still. I was watching a special called "Bringing home Baby" and at 3 months the baby weighed 12 lbs. hmm well I stepped on our scale the other day and without Layne I was 136 and with him the scale read 147 lbs. O well everyone loves a chunky baby right? We haven't done much lately to really write about. Sometimes I take him on a walk around our neighborhood in this sling thing but he gets hot easy and (sorry MI people) but it's been in the 70's lately so I don't wanna exhaust him. It's still the oddest thing that i have a baby everyday i go through the motions of taking care of him and then I look at him and think whoa i'm taking care of you and you are part of me and we're gonna be together forever. It's such an odd commitment i guess because in life you can pretty much get out of any commitment I mean you can foreclose on a mortgage, default on any form or loan for that fact, even the holiest of binds isn't safe from those who have a fear of commitment and that's why we have divorce. It's strange cause it's soooo hard and sometimes you do click out a lil i mean the boy has a cry that makes you think he just lost an appendage but I dunno I'd hate to be cliche and say it's sooo worth it but I guess there is no other way to describe it. I guess you see how worth it it really is when the screaming stops and he grabs your finger with this tiny hand or you see him learning his body and he wiggles around and it makes you laugh so hard and the faces they make are priceless cuz it's kinda like they don't have control over their face yet.

So anyway enough of that for the people in MI here are some Pre-Layne pics such as the nursery it's amazing how far things have come...u'll see.

Layne's Nursery Before:

And After...

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