Friday, February 18, 2011

Ok so yesterday was a disaster and Layne would eat, fall asleep and wake up like 10 minutes later. I thought i was goin to die...luckily daddy came home and saved the day by watching Layne until 2:30 in the morning and letting me sleep for 4 hours which is a new record for sleep in my book. Dad even made it to work today after the all nighter.  My mom has also been a great big help and she's overly concerned bout how Layne has been and thinks that breastfeeding is not the way to go since the baby is so restless and that is usually a sign of hunger so today she came over today and we gave him 3 oz bottles and he's back to his earlier routine of eating, having his diaper changed and sleeping it's a MIRACLE. Ya know i admire the women that can nurse but i really think some people are not cut out for it and honestly we are such typical new parents and the easier we can make it on ourselves i feel the better. So this is more for pics and here are some more recent one's of Layne:

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