Saturday, February 19, 2011

Layne's first outting

Today we went to Crazy Sushi and sat outside with my sister and brother n law. It was a beautiful day for a while but then got chili out. It was nice to go to this restaurant since it was close to where we live and we can take him on a walk in his stroller. I am learning that new parents will use any excuse to get out of the house such as taking out trash or a short trip to Publix which was Layne's first stroller ride last night. Luckily we live in close proxomity to these places so that we can take Layne with us however, we do live on the 3rd floor which makes getting the stroller downstairs or heck even his car seat quite difficult especially since Layne is close to 10 lbs if not 10 lbs already.

Before i forget here's Baby's first bath with mom and dad:

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