Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March 1st posting

Layne is one month and 4 days old today and he has been sooo perfect and growing great and maybe a lil fast in the eating area. He's changing so much. Dad and I celebrated his one month birthday with a candle in a cupcake and family time. He has also been getting out of the house more frequently and I love it but it does make me nervous that he will freak out mid outing and I know that screaming babies was always a sore spot for me so I am not trying to impose my lil screamin monster on others...He doesn't fuss alot, actually 99% of the time it's just because he is hungry and post bottle is quiet and docile. This past weekend we went to visit Aunt Jackie and Uncle Jerry and his cousins in OP. His cousins are maniacs and at the age where they are loud and all over the place but he seemed to like it...I think he loves the sound of other children..he also loves the sound of vacuum cleaners and the vent of the stove.

Aunt Jackie, Baby Londyn, Uncle Jerry and Lakin

Daddy and monkey time...

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