Friday, March 25, 2011

Happy 2 Months Layne

Happy 2 Months Layne! Whew.

 super fat baby

Catch up....

Ok, so i started this post out with some very cute pics since the blog has been MIA for a minute. Those are from random outtings which are very few and far between now. As previously stated my computer caught a virus and so did I. I had the flu last weekend and so my mom was kind enough to brave overnight stints with Monkey to help Matt and myself. Thank goodness Monkey did not get the virus. I was even given a paper mask at the Solantic to wear immediately after being diagnosed. I felt like I was in China circa '09 during their rampid bird flu epidemic. However, I was a good patient and wore that darn thing everytime I stepped foot out of the bedroom. Having the flu has never been so bad as having it with a screaming baby that you can't hold and comfort but thank God Layne loves my mom and she is Fantastic with him. It's pretty much been one thing or another everyday with us. He came in to the world with Jaundice, has cradle cap really bad which is pretty gross, acne on his face and a continuous rash on his neck due to moisture in the creases brought on by fat and the inability to stretch his neck out yet, was constipated last week and has diaherra this week, he constantly scratches his face up with his super sharp, Wolverine nails that grow the second you cut them and suffers from chronic crying at the top of his lungs. I am surprised Child Services has not been called on us yet. It seems the only time Layne isn't crying is when he has his bottle in his mouth. I know we have nicknamed him our Monkey but he is more of a Piggy. And YES, I have tried everything...every toy, swings, mats, bringing him in a dark room in case he is overstimulated, rocking chair, outtings in stroller, gas drops, soy formula, more formula, less formula, vibrating chair, baths, letting him cry, not letting him cry, tummy time, different holding positions, car rides at 4:30 am EVERYTHING. I actually dare any of you to come up with a remedy that I have yet tried. I read in a book that weeks 6-8 are an adjusting stage to a baby and that their nervous and digestive system adjust during this period and some babies handle this stage better than others guess which one we have???? Yea. I never realized that one day when I had a baby I would be counting the days until he turned 1 or 2 or heck even 5 or 12. I knew a baby would be hard but not the specifics and man am I learning. My hat is off to all moms that are reading this I have a new found respect for you and for those that didn't go thru as much tourment as I am right now then BOOO to Anyway I have more pics I just wanted to catch you all up on what's been going on it hasn't been pretty but we've made it to 2 months and we're not looking back!

Monday, March 21, 2011


Due to a very unfortunate virus on my alternate computer I am unable to publish posts with pics of Layne however, I will still be taking pics and will post them as soon as my computer is up and running. 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lots of Personality...

Ok so these are some pics of Layne in his dipe dipe so you can see how much weight this lil man is gaining...this is for you Manchicki.
Also are some pics with mom time since pics with mom are few and far between since she's always the one taking them.

The last pics are of Mina (my mom) burping Layne and the silly faces he makes after bottle.

This is what we call Layne's Mr. Crumudgen Face.. 

March 7th

We celebrated Aunt Jackie's bday on Monday and I wore the outfit her mom got me but I didn't get the jeans on quite yet but I thought everyone would like to see how handsome and grown I this is the first pic of me smiling and sticking out my tongue; )

Hey look at how I match my uncle Jerry....

I actually resemble him as a baby too....

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Past

Exactly 2 days before we found out we were having a baby. We were in St Aug same spot as pics in last post but shot from the opposite way:

Saturday, March 5, 2011

We have had a really great time with Grandpa Tim, Uncle Josh and Aunt Mandy these past couple of days. Mandy made us a beautiful blanket that will stick with Layne forever and Uncle Josh gave Layne some of the coolest presents from down under. Layne already has his own boomerang and genuine ugg boots that are super cool and mom is totally jealous of them and a shirt that I'm sure will end of being his fav to wear. Today we went to St Augustine and while I was hesitant to go since I'm still a new mom and nervous about EVERYTHING it went great. His daddy handled everything so well and Layne basically slept the whole time. He really enjoys being out and about just like his mom and dad. The apple definitely did not fall far from the tree. We are now looking forward to more outings and mom is getting really good at packing the to go bag. Here are some pics of St Aug and Fam visit:

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March 1st posting

Layne is one month and 4 days old today and he has been sooo perfect and growing great and maybe a lil fast in the eating area. He's changing so much. Dad and I celebrated his one month birthday with a candle in a cupcake and family time. He has also been getting out of the house more frequently and I love it but it does make me nervous that he will freak out mid outing and I know that screaming babies was always a sore spot for me so I am not trying to impose my lil screamin monster on others...He doesn't fuss alot, actually 99% of the time it's just because he is hungry and post bottle is quiet and docile. This past weekend we went to visit Aunt Jackie and Uncle Jerry and his cousins in OP. His cousins are maniacs and at the age where they are loud and all over the place but he seemed to like it...I think he loves the sound of other children..he also loves the sound of vacuum cleaners and the vent of the stove.

Aunt Jackie, Baby Londyn, Uncle Jerry and Lakin

Daddy and monkey time...

More room pics

I just wanted to put some more pics of Layne's room it's really done there was always something missing though and I couldn't quite put my finger on it but now i know it was monkey aka Layne's picture..I am also waiting on a pic from my brother n law of a whale and I'm sure there will be other things that will be hung up but his picture has really made the room so I wanted to share....