Sunday, September 16, 2012

Well hello there.....

Hello everyone, I  know it's been beyond a while but a lot happened and is still going on.  We moved to Georgia for a job Matt got and it's been quite the transition for us. First of Layne started daycare which he hated but has grown to love but, being the sweet boy that he is, is taking it upon himself to pick up all the germs and bring them home. He recently went to an ENT since he has had a running nose for 3 months straight day in and out and when they did the hearing test it flat lined which menu he had a lot of fluids in his ear and upon second review we found he had a huge adnoid and that was contributing to sleep apnea. Layne did well with the surgery, the anesthesia was the worst part since  the feeling was sooo foreign to him and he was really fussy until we walked out of the hospital doors. His appetite is completely normal and huge as always but he is still waking up through out the night. My mom, thank God is here to help us. Layne is also active and seemingly for the most part not phased by the surgery. I make sure to give him Tylenol every 4 hours and we do his ear drops 2 x a day but there is no other maintenance however, I have not washed his hair since Wednesday night for fear of getting water in his ears. I have gone to posting more pics on FB and since the move have not even opened up my laptop to download pics from my camera so I apologize I am going to post some here now for anyone that may still be following this blog and if not its a virtual diary for Layne anyway ok here goes.. Ok due to apple's feud with Google it seems I won't be able to post pics from my iPad. I will get the cobwebs off the ol computer and get more pics avail on Laynes blog sorry guys!