Sunday, August 21, 2011


 7/7/11: First attempt at solid food...not good 
Can you spot him? It's the monkey without the red hair...

Daddy and monk at the Museum of Science and History

Day at the playing in the water..that's exzema on his doesnt hurt.


Brunch at Cafe 11

Caught getting in to mischief

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Sorry so Long and it's 7 MONTHS!!

Hey Everyone,
So it's been FOREVER i know and i'm sooo sorry but instead of writing about Layne we are now creating moments with Layne.  Layne is turning 7 months at the end of the month, unbelievable!! He is AMAZING! He started gettin up on his hands and knees about 3 or 4 weeks ago and is sitting up by himself. He smiles all the time and he likes to watch cartoons on TV. I now know what everyone is talkin about when they make such a deal about being a parent it's the BEST. Layne is also starting to eat baby food. I am not making it unfortunately but hey store bought baby food worked for me. At first Layne didn't like eating food and didn't like eating it off a spoon, he would make the most awful face. Just this week he has been starting to open his mouth willingly and ready for a bite of food. Haven't figured out what his favorites are yet but I'm sure that is coming up. Today we went to the doctor because I have a cold and I gave it to him..BAD MOM and found out that Layne has an ear infection. It's not bad and is in one ear his right ear however, this is his first ear infection so that's good. His personality is out of this world and the older he gets the more amazing he becomes to me. He loves to explore and play with his hands and has a really great disposition. Matt and I are goin to Boston to see the SOX and I'm so excited but it will be two days without Monkey and I'm scared of how sad I'm gonna be but I am gonna try to just enjoy "our" time together. This weekend I will put some pics up but it's time for bed I just wanted everyone to know how great things are with Layne. O and he's getting his bottom teeth one is really breaking through at the moment but still gummy and his laugh is as good as it was before and so much fun to hear..Miss you guys in Michigan!!