Thursday, July 7, 2011

Sooo much 2 tell

So Layne's been in the pool, at the beach and now on a plane and he's only 5 and 1/2 months old. It was great to see the family and MI and show Layne where his daddy's roots sprouted from and to let everyone see first hand how wonderful, sweet and adorable our baby is. Layne was amazing n the plane, he slept most of the way on the way to MI and didn't cry and slept all the way home on the plane.

Tonight we actually gave him some thickened rice cereal and that was ok he's not excited bout sittin in his lil chair thing. He's getting more excited bout everything. He's making noise now and it's screaming but in a good way, like Lah Lah Lah Lah ...we LOVE it! He also LOVES to walk around if someone will just hold him up by his hands and he is also growing out of his swing because the other day he almost rolled out of it. He is also smiling and giggling alot which has to be the best thing I have ever seen in my life and Matt and I can not get enough of it. I know i haven't written in sooo long and I'm sorry but things are getting very busy. Ok so let's see some pics and I will write more later...

Bed head moment with Uncle Charlie

Day at the beach


Layne and Aunt Deb

Layne, Mrs. Vicky and Kendall