Saturday, June 4, 2011

Being a Mom

Being a mom has been so crazy. I never thought I could do this and if you told me all of the controversy I'd face and all the things that I would learn as I go I would tell you that it's impossible and I could never do this. I was scared from the beginning because of the afermentioned but I still had no idea to what extent it would be taken. I just wanna say to everyone that may see this that it's possible! No matter what challenges you face with your baby, no matter if you think you'll never make it past a month  it's unreal but you do it. You triumph over all of it and just when you think things are great and you've gotten past all of the turmoil it happens again. Layne flipped out today and reminded me of the first couple of months we had the lil dude but it just made me realize how amazing being a parent is and I had to put this out there. Of course I have Matt and he is a GREAT dad. He does not leave my side when that lil boy clicks out. Matt tries everything to calm him down right with me and I am comforted in the hurt I hear in his voice when Layne continues to cry because he loves that boy so much he is distraught when Layne is upset, at first I thought it was irritation but it's honestly such a STRONG and ADMIRABLE Love. Matt stays with me and we suffer together and I am VERY lucky but it's amazing what we can endure and I'm really proud of us.
Just a thought......