Tuesday, May 31, 2011



Sunday, May 22, 2011

Catch up!!

 Hello everyone!

Layne is doing great! Happy 4 months Layne!! He has sooo much personality now and is on this great routine which I hope I don't jinx by writing about it. This weekend Matt's friend, Jim was in town and so Layne and I spent most of the weekend together. He was great and we went to see his aunt's dance recital and he was so well behaved then when we went out to lunch he was so quiet and just looking around. Layne is really starting to notice the world now and is very observant. He LOVES his hands and is always playin with them and Grandma you'll be happy to know that he is sucking his thumb alot...lol. He actually woke up this morning going to town on his thumb it was SOOO cute. Everything this lil man does is so cute and I am in LOVE. Layne is learning how to communicate verbally too and is making cooing and high pitched noises. He smiles alot too and it's heartbreaking...if i repeat any updates sorry but i don't have time to go back and read the previous post. He really loves his swing, starting to really enjoy this activity mat thing and is able to get on his side so he should be rolling over very soon. We also recently had a visit from Uncle Damien, Allison and Alex. Alex got to hold his cousin and Damien was a natural and Monkey seemed so comfortable with him. Ok Michigan this is what you all have been waiting for....We are definitely coming to visit June 25th until July 3rd so get ready! YAY!

 And for you MICHIGAN STATE FANS.....

Monday, May 16, 2011

Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mother's Day

I know it's not mother's day or even close now but I am starting to feel the pull of work and family. It is not burdensome but consuming and I love every minute of it! Monkey has been doing really good and I am now starting to understand how procreation can actually happen a second time. Not anytime in the near future. On Mother's Day weekend I cleaned and then received a really beautiful, immensely extravagant bouquet from my two boys and a camera so that I can provide only the best quality pics on the blog as my previous camera is currently experience techinical difficulty...prob from a TON of use! I also recieved a beautiful frame and even more beautiful pic of my baby and 2 very sweet cards. My sister surprised me with a very sentimental gift. Kori passed down my grandmother's ring which was given to my grandma on her anniversary and it's just breathtaking and I am truly touched by such an emotional gift.  We ended up having dinner at Teds on Mothers day and it was nice to be there with the family and share my 1st mother's day with them. O and with Mother's Day came the Kentucky Derby and guess who picked the winning horse...ME and who did i pick well they didn't have a horse named Monkey but the 2nd best choice was of course the winner, Animal Kingdom.  Anywho, i know you are just dying for pics so here they are: