Friday, April 22, 2011

3 Months OLD!!

Happy 3 Months Layne!!!
Layne has been doing really good since we switched his formula and better everyday! Last night he slept from 11 pm until 8 am. He is so adorable and making lots of noise and starting to attempt to roll over. Happy Belated Post of Birthday Message to my cousin Lakin turing the big 8 and my cousin Lily turing the BIG 2 LOVE YOU GUYS! Also, here are some HILARIOUS pics:

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Milk Allergy

So we finally found out what was wrong with Layne. He was really fussy and had this horrible rash around his neck and so we have found that it was due to a milk allergy. Layne's body is unable to break down milk protein or even soy protein and so the protein that is not broken down is seen as an antigen to his body and his immune system attacks it and since the immune system is in his tummy his tummy gets inflammed from attacking the protein. Here is a link with a video and the formula that we are using (video at bottom):

The doctor found microscopic blood in his stool which is what determined this. We are relieved and at the same time very upset that we have been giving our son something that he is allergic to. However, moving forward Layne's neck has cleared up and he is getting better. He also has mild acid reflux but I think that is getting better too. He is taking a liquid Zantac twice a day. We have also found that our baby is a cry baby and he is spoiled by attention. We have not found the cure for this ailment

Grandma and Bob are visiting us this week and we have really enjoyed their stay. Last night I made a Shrimp and Artichoke bake for dinner courtesy of Paula Dean..mmmm butter. I also made a Strawberry Pie but it was more of a soup since Paula doesn't specify how long you chill the inside before putting topping on and freezing all!

In other news Mom is getting her hair done tomorrow and I am sooo excited to spend some time to myself. This whole thing has been really stressful with us being new parents and the recent diagnosis. I mean from labor to present day it's really been one trial and tribulation after another but we do LOVE Layne soo much and i just can't wait until things are more stable and he's just a giggly, crawling baby.

Layne's def not missing any meals......