Sunday, September 16, 2012

Well hello there.....

Hello everyone, I  know it's been beyond a while but a lot happened and is still going on.  We moved to Georgia for a job Matt got and it's been quite the transition for us. First of Layne started daycare which he hated but has grown to love but, being the sweet boy that he is, is taking it upon himself to pick up all the germs and bring them home. He recently went to an ENT since he has had a running nose for 3 months straight day in and out and when they did the hearing test it flat lined which menu he had a lot of fluids in his ear and upon second review we found he had a huge adnoid and that was contributing to sleep apnea. Layne did well with the surgery, the anesthesia was the worst part since  the feeling was sooo foreign to him and he was really fussy until we walked out of the hospital doors. His appetite is completely normal and huge as always but he is still waking up through out the night. My mom, thank God is here to help us. Layne is also active and seemingly for the most part not phased by the surgery. I make sure to give him Tylenol every 4 hours and we do his ear drops 2 x a day but there is no other maintenance however, I have not washed his hair since Wednesday night for fear of getting water in his ears. I have gone to posting more pics on FB and since the move have not even opened up my laptop to download pics from my camera so I apologize I am going to post some here now for anyone that may still be following this blog and if not its a virtual diary for Layne anyway ok here goes.. Ok due to apple's feud with Google it seems I won't be able to post pics from my iPad. I will get the cobwebs off the ol computer and get more pics avail on Laynes blog sorry guys!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

New Pics

How Time Flies....

10 months old

For all you parents out there I am sure you understand why I am so behind in Layne's blog. As Layne has gotten older he has become very curious and unfortunately, my computer was subject to his wonder and I lost a key. So, I am rarely able to go online with Layne around for fear he will do something worse to my computer. Updates, Layne has started to walk. He took his first step on the morning of November 11th as his daddy was leaving for work. He was standing by the ottoman and turned around and let go and took a step and fell on his butt. Here it is December 3rd and he's taking multiple steps at a time. It's amazing to watch. He is also eating regular foods like chicken noodle soup, french fries, and basically anything he sees us eating. Maybe he is finding food more appetising because he has more teeth! His bottom teeth came in but I think I already said that and now his upper teeth have come through. I started by giving him a french fry the day we went to his last doctor visit because the doctor said that if Layne kept rejecting food we would need to take him to a speech therapist. Layne is now 24 lbs and 30 inches. But I think since we've been giving him table food he is probably more than 24 lbs. The doctor allowed us to take Layne off that really expensive formula so now he is back on Enfamil Gentlease and seems to be ok on it. Speaking of bottles, he can hold his own bottle too while he is drinking. It is crazy how he has gone from being so baby to being so much more and doing so many things day after day. Halloween was fun and exciting. We went to Ponte Vedra ( to get the good stuff ) and of course my child had a costume change. He was a monkey for the first half and I dressed as a banana and then we went back and suited him up in to a Superman costume. Layne even got the hang of grabbing his own candy! We had a wonderful Thanksgiving at my Dad's house although Layne was a little grumpy because unfortunately, he is not sleeping great at night. Sometimes he is waking up twice and sometimes he wakes up so many times at night that Matt and I loose count. We are really tired but he's so cute that the patience always comes through. We are looking forward to his first Christmas and will be spending it in Michigan!! We already have our Christmas tree and Layne helped to decorate and supervised mommy putting the lights on. Matt and I are doing great and as time goes on we are really starting to get the hang of this parenting thing. We are arguing less and working together to help one another more. Matt has been really supportive and loving and of course a Great Dad. I am really proud of us. It hasn't been the easiest thing but having each other to lean on and vent to sure has helped. We actually went to a class today to get the ball rolling on getting Layne's baptism too and it was really nice to talk to Tom who led the class. He really made us understand the depth of the baptism process and I will be happy to have our son involved in the church as I am excited to have Matt and myself more involved. Layne's first birthday will be an event too and we will soon begin planning that. I want to encorporate a Korean tradition to it. Anyways, we hope that all is well for everyone out there, friends and family! All of our Love and Thanks for everyone's love and support!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Boston, Naples and more cont'd...

The Gang (Daddy, Allison, Uncle Damien, Aunt Angie, Uncle Josh)


Following in cousin Alex's footsteps

Sunday's Best

Uncle Josh and Uncle Damien

Boston and Naples N more...

At the Matissyahu concert (in an old church)

Layne and Ysa ( my best friend's baby)

At Fenway Park by the Green Monster

In Boston with Jack and Melissa

My lil Lobster head baby



Matt's finest for sale..not yet.

Layne walking and trying to stand now too

Rubber Ducky Bath Time

Sunday, September 25, 2011

8 Months!!

CrAZy 8

Hey everyone, Layne is 8 months old! We MADE IT TO 8! So this is Layne's update and a lil of mom and dads too. We went to Boston and it was AMAZING! We sat above the bull pen a the Sox game and saw a guy run out on the field and were so close to the guy who got the GRAND SLAM! We missed Layne terribly but he had a most awesome time with his cousins. He was semi-crawling before we left...a lil here and there but when we got back he was full fledge crawling everywhere and now he is a lil speed demon. He is also learning to pull himself up on things. We have also got him eating baby food really well. I bought a macaroni themed pasta one thinking he was gonna love it but he hated it. He loves fruit and anything with fruit in it. He did like peas and carrots but now it seems like fruit is his number one love. We haven't really gotten him any other food because he doesn't seem to like the texture of it yet....yet. Either way it doesn't matter b/c you will be able to tell by the pics that he is not hurtin for food. He sleeps ok. He usually goes to bed by 9ish and wakes up by 7ish and wakes up once a night around 2 a.m. for a bottle. Ehh..he's big. Matt and I are also getting along really well. We have less arguements are starting to really understand each other during the misunderstandings when we are frustrated or when our patience is stretched thin. I think it's b/c we are just so excited to be Layne's parents and we realized that our love made him and we're really proud. We took Layne to Uncle Damien and Josh's house last weekend and while that is one drive that is fierce with a baby he did ok and we had a good time and it was great to let his aunt, uncles and cousin have some time with him. We also got to see Alex skate in a competition and I got great pics and it was awesome! Alex does great and it's amazing he can endure such heat for so long..ha ha! Ok enough of talk..Layne is healthy and in the 95th percentile for height and 20lbs which is a half lb less than the last time we went to the doc. O by the way, Layne had his first ear infection it was small and not soo bad.
O and another thing Layne has his first two front lower teeth!!! Doc says that his gums up top are swollen so he may be getting some more. We are Happy and Well and we hope the same for everyone else.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


 7/7/11: First attempt at solid food...not good 
Can you spot him? It's the monkey without the red hair...

Daddy and monk at the Museum of Science and History

Day at the playing in the water..that's exzema on his doesnt hurt.


Brunch at Cafe 11

Caught getting in to mischief